Produk Shaklee

Produk Shaklee

Friday 8 July 2011

kolestrol ..apa puncanya?

Dua faktor utama penyumbang LDL yang tinggi... iaitu genetik(keturunan) dan gaya hidup yang tidak sihat..
Lifestyle factors:Eating too much saturated fat (the kind found in high-fat meats and dairy products) can cause your body to make more cholesterol, raising your blood cholesterol levels.What you weigh. Being overweight contributes to rising blood cholesterol levels(tapi tak jugak tau…ada org yang kurus and nampak sihat tapi tinggi kolestrolnya.bahayaa).There are three main types of fats in food, and they affect blood cholesterol in different ways:
  • Saturated fat - Found in red meats and red meat products, such as beef and lamb, as well as dairy products
  • Monounsaturated fats - Found in plant oils such as olive, canola, and peanut oil.
  • Polyunsaturated fats - Found in plant oils such as safflower, sunflower, corn, or soybean oil. Fish, especially cold-water fish, contain a special type of polyunsaturated fat called omega-3 fat that may help protect against heart disease by slowing blood clotting. 
Saturated fat is the main cause of high blood cholesterol levels. When you eat too much saturated fat, your body reacts by making more cholesterol than it needs, and the surplus ends up in your blood.Only animal foods contain cholesterol - plant foods do not contain cholesterol.Therefore, foods of animal origin - such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, or milk - all contain some cholesterol.Generally,foods high in animal fat are also high in cholestrol EXCEPT telur dan hati(yang dua ni low fat but HIGH in cholestrol)
  • Liver contains large amounts of cholesterol because the liver is the body organ that makes cholesterol.
  • Eggs contain large amounts of cholesterol because they contain the nutrients and other substances to support a growing embryo


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