Produk Shaklee

Produk Shaklee

Friday 8 July 2011

selsema?batuk?morning sickness?.apa kata gi beli nenas..

tadi baca2 info2 kat blog orang lain..jumpe fakta menarik tentang nenas ni....

Orange juice is a popular liquid for those suffering from a cold because it is high in vitamin C. Fresh pineapple is not only high in this vitamin, but because of the bromelain, it has the ability to reduce mucous in the throat. If you have a cold with a productive cough, add pineapple to your diet. It is commonly used in Europe as a post-operative measure to cut mucous after certain sinus and throat operations. Those individuals who eat fresh pineapple daily report fewer sinus problems related to allergies.

Pineapple is also known to
discourage blood clot development. This makes it a valuable dietary addition for frequent fliers and others who may be at risk for blood clots.

An old folk
remedy for morning sickness is fresh pineapple juice. It really works! Fresh juice and some nuts first thing in the morning often makes a difference.

It's also good for a healthier mouth. The fresh juice discourages plaque growth.

jadi..kalau anda selsema....atau tgh morning sickness sbb prgnnt atau ada masalah bau mulut....bolehla makan nenas..or minum jus nenas...selamat mencuba


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