Produk Shaklee

Produk Shaklee

Friday 8 July 2011

WHY breastfeeding is BEST

sekadar berkongsi info tentang breastfeeding..buat pembakar semangat buat ibu2 yang sedang menyusu di luar sana..

"....What will you feed your newborn? Mother’s milk or the artificial baby milk commonly called formula? Many factors will affect your decision. While many healthy, full-term babies grow adequately on formula, it is an incomplete, inferior food when compared to human milk, which is perfectly suited to your baby and is what nature intends.Here are several benefits to consider:
Breastfeeding is best for Your baby's Health
Formula does not provide any of the disease-protective factors present in human milk. Statistically, when compared to breastfed infants, artificially fed infants are generally sicker and sick more often. They are three to four times more likely to have an ear infection or diarrhea and ten times more likely to be admitted to a hospital for bacterial infections.

Breastfeeding is good for Mothers' Health
Mothers who artificially feed are at greater risk of excessive bleeding after birth, ovarian cancer and premenopausal breast cancer

Breastfeeding is Less expensive
Families spend an additional $900 to $4,700 in the first year to buy commercially prepared infant milk.
Breastfeeding bring infants and mothers closer
There is an especially close bond between a nursing mother and her infant. This is particularly important to the mother employed outside the home, who has limited hours with her baby and wishes to make them as high quality as possible.
Breastfeeding is Relaxing
Many women express concern over the fact that, initially, breastfed infants require more frequent feedings than formula-fed infants. But you need to factor in the time and effort required to shop for and prepare formula. In this busy world, nursing your baby is a legitimate excuse to sit, relax and enjoy each other. Read More

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